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The Righteous Action – Part 2

Many people unfortunately neglect the first condition (complying with the Sunnah) because they are astray and believe that bid’ah (innovation) is good in the religion. But there are those upon whom Allâh has granted His favour, by guiding them to the Sunnah of the Prophet (sal-Allâhu ‘alayhe wa sallam).

They are those who know the reality of this condition and adhere to it the best they can. Yet they must pay attention to the second condition, which any group may fail to fulfill, and that is riy⒠(insincerity and showing-off). No one is exempt from riy⒠and all people are susceptible to it in their actions.
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Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

The Manners of Welcoming the New-Born Child in Islâm



Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

The Bond of Holy Love

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